If someone we knew was told their baby would be born with Down syndrome, we would tell them: "Welcome to the club!"

What You Can Expect

While every individual is different, here are some experiences that are fairly consistent among our kids and our first experiences: 

There are no two prenatal experiences that are alike. Some people choose to get the screening, some people choose not to. Some have completely typical, healthy pregnancies, while others have a number of ultrasounds to monitor their baby's development. 

If you have received a prenatal diagnosis and you are looking for some support and information, you've come to the right place! Please reach out to us! We'd love to chat or meet and help to alleviate any fears or answer any questions you may have. We may even introduce you to a pretty fabulous kid or two!

"My husband and I were thrilled when we found out that we were expecting three and a half years ago. My pregnancy was a breeze and all of my tests were normal. After a short labour we greeted our new baby boy. Doctors checked him over and handed him to us and it was then we were told that he has Down syndrome. We had a whole mix of emotions from shock and disbelief to amazement and pure joy of the sight of our beautiful son."
--Mandi, mother of Kieran, 3.5 years old

As an Infant
In many respects, infants with Down syndrome are very much like their typical friends and siblings, barring any medical issues. They need sleep. They need to eat. They need to be cuddled and loved, and yes, they still need to be changed. The developmental milestones may even be met within the typical range.

Moms of babies with Down syndrome may experience challenges breastfeeding, as our little ones may have low tone that may interfere with their ability to latch well. With perseverance and support from a lactation consultant, this may be overcome. In other cases, bottle feeding may be the most appropriate choice. It's important that families choose what works best for their unique circumstances and get the support needed from their healthcare provider, lactation consultant or dietitian.

Caring for your new infant with Down syndrome may seem a little overwhelming; there are often more appointments than with a typical child.  It is important to know that there are avenues for support available - including the Parent Connection!  The parents in our group would be happy to share the paths we took for therapy, medical and financial supports through organizations such as KidsAbility, KW Habilitation Services and Extend-A-Family.  We would love to connect with you and meet your little one - welcome to the club!