It's not my extra chromosome that makes me happy. It's because I am loved.

New Parents Connection Program

One of the ways WWDSS supports new parents is through the New Parents Connection Program.

The New Parents Connection Program is a great opportunity for moms who have a child with Down syndrome (up to age 6) to share celebrations, struggles, and goals with one another. It is also an opportunity to learn about timely information and resources in a comfortable and supportive environment. The program runs multiple times each year, and we encourage new moms to register for this free program as soon as they are ready. Free childcare is provided.

If you are a mom of a child with Down syndrome and you would like more information about the program or would like to register, please contact us.



I attended Mothers Connection from the time my son was a newborn. The advice and support from the other moms who knew what I was going through was critical to my postpartum mental health. We had a rough first few months as first-time parents, and I would have been lost without my ‘mom group.’ I’m so glad to have these amazing women to turn to.” - Katrina

"Being a part of the Mothers Connection group has been amazing this past year and a half. The ladies in the group are amazing. It has been my comfort knowing that when I sit with these ladies and listen to their stories, their pains, and their joys, I am not the only one with these feelings of stress or when some days are more difficult than others. These mothers understand and share my same feelings." - Cheng

Mothers Connection' developed a closed Facebook group which has proven to be a successful form of support for many families. To access this group, please follow the above link and request to be added.